Advocates for Social Change Kenya (ADSOCK)

Engaging Men, Boys and Institutions (EMBI) to Promote Gender Equality

Project Title: Engaging Men, Boys and Institutions (EMBI) to Promote Gender Equality

Funder: We Effect

Duration: Four years (2013-2016).

Project Sites: Maralal, Timau, Wote, Nanyuki, Voi, Mombasa, Iten, Ogembo (Kisii), Migori and Butere, including working with urban refugees in Nairobi.


This project was intended to promote gender equitable relationships by changing norms, attitudes and behaviours with an aim of reducing SGBV, and HIV & AIDS prevalence. It was aimed at strengthening communities and institutions to implement programmes targeting men and boys for prevention and response to SGBV.”

The main project outcomes were:

  1. Increased understanding, openness and fairness among men and women and better relationships thus improved performance of the different roles in the community;
  2. Increased response, reporting and capacity on handling SGBV issues that affect both men and women in the community;
  3. Increased accountability on part of stakeholders and duty bearers in target areas (law enforcement agencies, health personnel, Teachers among others) to handle cases on SGBV and human rights violations;
  4. Increased public awareness on the role of men (e.g. role modeling) in ending violence in the society and upholding human rights principles; and
  5. Strengthened capacity to handle ongoing and emerging gender issues.

Under this project, key achievements were made with regards to the involvement of:

  1. Religious and cultural leaders;
  2. Involvement of the disabled persons;
  3. Law enforcement agencies (Chiefs, Regular Police and Administration Police) ;
  4. Teachers, Pupils and students (primary and secondary);
  5. Programmers from different CSOs;
  6. Ordinary members of the community.

The following results were also achieved as an effect of the action:

  1. Increased awareness on men’s role in ending SGBV through the 16 Day’s advocacy and campaign work through Men’s Traveling Conference (MTC);
  2. Capacity building of key gate keepers in the community through community education work targeting the law enforcement officers (police); the provincial administration officers – local government representatives and partners from CSOs,
  3. CBOs and FBOs;
  4. Chapter involvement for ADSOCK teams to enhance a robust recruitment process for men into the movement for change.